This is the first prototype of the Interactive conducting baton.
It's made of wood and griptape. It is 30cm long.
At the moment I'm downloading several dj programs to see which one is best suitable for my first playtest.
In the first playtest I'm going to test this prototype with 6 year olds. I will play Griegs Peer Gynt nr.01 At the wedding. According to the movements the tester will make with the baton, I will adjust volume and tempo.
I've talked with composers Stan Koch, composer/non-linear music strategist Than van Nispen and sonic designer Laurens van der Wee about my concept and ways I could children let interact with the music.
Out of these talks I came to three concepts children can interact with the baton:
1: Volume/gain and tempo. The music will be linear. The tempo will adjust according to the tempo the child will sway with the baton. Volume will adjust according to how big the movement is. This is a very simple concept, but the composers predicted this way of interaction shall be interesting enough for children to play with the music.
2: Percussion, blowers, strings. The child can point in a certain direction to address percussions, blowers or strings and can make these instruments play harder or softer. The musical system will work in layers of percussion, blowers and strings.
3: Busy parts, quiet parts. According to the movement of the child (busy or quiet), a system will choose a quiet or a busy part of a composition. This will be a non-linear music system.
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