woensdag 29 februari 2012

Why boys don't like to read

Girls enjoy reading more than boys. This has got two causes:

The brains of boys and girls develop differently. Boys develop their left side of the brain (where language is situated) more slowly than their right side of the brain. The development of the left and right side of girls brains are more in balance. So boys have more trouble concentrating and can't get that satisfied reading a book. Girls on the other hand, find rest and emotion in reading.

Boys and girls are raised different. By their parents or society; school, friends or family. They expect quiet behaviour of girls and boys are praised for their sturdy attitude. So boys are more triggered to go outside and play soccer than to retreat in a book.

When puberty comes at an end, the balance is back between the right and left side of the brain and boys (and girls) act more for themselves in stead of society. Wether reading becomes more appealing for them also depends on other elements.

Article by Ijsfontijn: http://kinderen-jongeren.ijsfontein.nl/2009/12/23/waarom-houden-jongens-niet-van-lezen/

It is important to keep in mind that boys are not that fond of reading as girls. It is not clear, however, for what age this counts. But I've done some observations with children, and out of these observations I recognize that boys actually like to 'read' books until the age of +- 5. Until this age children don't play that much with other children, they are too young to play outside alone. They prefer to play with their parents or with max two friends that live very close by.
Their parents mostly read the books to them, they can't read yet. Once children need to read on their own, boys will lose their interest earlier than girls.

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